Our Impact
Friends and neighbors in need in Martin County turn to House of Hope to help them through today’s difficulties and set their lives on a new trajectory for a better tomorrow. We offer support in basic needs (food, clothing, and financial assistance) and life skills (programs and classes in education, health and nutrition, job readiness, the arts and more). Case management and coaching is a key component to all of this support. All of our services and support are always at no cost to those who need us. Working with our clients, we empower them to overcome hunger and hardship.
VIDEO: Farm to Table to Future
VIDEO: Empowerment in Action
Who We Serve
Any Martin County resident in need of our support is welcome at House of Hope. We ask that they provide proof of Martin County residency as well as proof of financial need.
- Some require our assistance for the short term to meet needs for food, clothing, and financial assistance for rent, utilities, medical bills or other expenses.
- Some are faced with more complicated circumstances, and work with our case managers to develop a personal improvement plan to elevate their household.
- Some benefit from our enrichment programs for all ages, from infants to seniors, and everyone in between. There is a wide range of classes and programs, including nutrition education, homework help, job coaching, art classes, English classes and more.
We strive to keep our clients housed, healthy and safe, and work with them to achieve their goals.
What Makes Us Different
“Empowerment,” and “dignity in the process” are tenets of the House of Hope system of support.
- We feed the food insecure with our Client Choice Pantries that give the families control over their food choices.
- We grow our own produce so we can provide fresh and nutritious options to those we serve.
- We are a food bank, providing no-cost food support to over 30 non-profits, soup kitchens and church pantries to improve the health and wellbeing of thousands of people across Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee Counties.
- We provide case managers to guide clients striving to resolve their long-standing challenges and achieve their goals and objectives.
- We educate our community through our enrichment programs to strengthen households and move them toward self-sufficiency.
House of Hope By the Numbers
Here are some standout statastics statistics from our 2023 – 2024 fiscal year:
- Over 30,000 individuals have benefited from House of Hope food, case management, enrichment, workforce development, and nutrition education programs!
- 1.16 million pounds of food distributed to clients and partners - with 627,222 pounds distributed through our 4 client choice pantries and 627,222 pounds distributed through our 30 food bank partners in Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee Counties
- Over 500,000 pounds of our total food distribution is fresh produce.
- 27,320 meals, salads, and sandwiches were produced in our nutrition center for clients and food partners.
- Over $102,000 in financial assistance helped 187 households remain housed, healthy, and safe.
- 189,442 items of clothing, housewares, furniture and appliances were given to people in need from our Thrift Stores.
- 14,400 referrals were made to community resources, local programs, social services and other agencies.
- 30 partner agencies across Martin, St. Lucie, and Okeechobee Counties received food from House of Hope to help feed their clients and better serve their mission.
- 878 people benefited from 5,923 services at three Centers for Enrichment including free classes in education, arts & culture, access to technology, pet care, health & nutrition, and more!
- 8,142 people benefitted from nutrition education programming that improves their knowledge of nutrition concepts at 4 in-ground and one traveling nutrition education garden.
- Our Workforce Development Program reached 153 individuals with 230 services including one-on-one career coaching, group resume workshops, job fairs, and coordinating internships at House of Hope
- 92,000 cubic feet of hydroponic greenhouse growing space at Growing Hope Farm helps us provide fresh fruits and vegetables to our clients.
- 27,630 packages of produce were packaged at the packing house, including mixed greens, herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, peppers, mangos, bananas and much more!
- 901 volunteers donated more than 41,539 hours to helping their friends and neighbors in need.
- 90 cents of every donated dollar goes directly to programs and services.
View our most recent Annual Report!
(Published April 2024. Reporting on fiscal 2023 (10/1/22 - 9/30/23).